Wednesday, 8 July 2015

June 2015

June 2015 - good month 11% up on estimate (and I'm using year one estimates which are high in any case)

Year 2ActualEstimated% of estimateDiff from estimate
Deficit carried forward-59.81
February 2015125.1113791.32%-11.89
March 2015232.4328481.84%-51.57
"April 2015427.07314136.01%113.07
"May 2015385.9343688.52%-50.07
"June 2015482.77432111.75%50.77
Diff in 2nd year50.31
Overall diff from est-9.50

May 2015

May 2015
Mega busy with allotment so this is dead late.  I have done reading at end of month though!! Good job April was a top month as May was down 12%!!

Year 2ActualEstimated% of estimateDiff from estimate
Deficit carried forward-59.81
February 2015125.1113791.32%-11.89
March 2015232.4328481.84%-51.57
"April 2015427.07314136.01%113.07
"May 2015385.9343688.52%-50.07
Diff in 2nd year49.61
Overall diff from est-10.20