So far in 2014 we've only generated 93% of estimate and the months are starting to fall in estimated generation stats - June should be 4KWh less than May. It's been a bit grey at times so that could be some of it but I think I might also have over estimated the efficiency of the invertor. Never mind. We got first payment for it the other week anyway £132 - now got to get the bosskat into making best use when the sun is shining!
June another month down on what it should be. We generated 403 KWh rather than the 432 estimated so 6.7% less than forecast. Such is life, I suppose.
Clifton Solar Generation - ESE facing, 3.84KW system | Installed 21st January 2014 | ||
Actual | Estimated | % of estimate | |
January 2014 | 17.43 | ||
February 2014 | 123.84 | 137 | 90.39% |
March 2014 | 283.73 | 273 | 103.93% |
April 2014 | 314.03 | 368 | 85.33% |
May 2014 | 408.16 | 436 | 93.61% |
June 2014 | 403.07 | 432 | 93.30% |
Cumulative | 1,935.90 | 1646 | 117.61% |
This Month | 806.14 | 432 | 186.61% |
This month daily avg | 13.93 | 14.40 | 96.71% |
Date | Day | Meter | |
1-Jun-2014 | 12.96 | 1,160.15 | |
2-Jun-2014 | 12.90 | 1,173.05 | |
3-Jun-2014 | 8.86 | 1181.91 | |
4-Jun-2014 | 7.10 | 1189.01 | |
5-Jun-2014 | 11.00 | 1200.01 | |
6-Jun-2014 | 21.27 | 1221.28 | |
7-Jun-2014 | 2.73 | 1224.01 | |
8-Jun-2014 | 5.33 | 1229.34 | |
9-Jun-2014 | 6.66 | 1236 | |
10-Jun-2014 | 12.32 | 1248.32 | |
11-Jun-2014 | 13.56 | 1261.88 | |
12-Jun-2014 | 22.77 | 1284.65 | |
13-Jun-2014 | 23.23 | 1307.88 | |
14-Jun-2014 | 12.12 | 1320 | |
15-Jun-2014 | 3.58 | 1323.58 | |
16-Jun-2014 | 17.01 | 1340.59 | |
17-Jun-2014 | 13.95 | 1354.54 | |
18-Jun-2014 | 10.46 | 1365 | |
19-Jun-2014 | 12.70 | 1377.7 | |
20-Jun-2014 | 18.39 | 1396.09 | |
21-Jun-2014 | 21.14 | 1417.23 | |
22-Jun-2014 | 18.86 | 1436.09 | |
23-Jun-2014 | 19.51 | 1455.6 | |
24-Jun-2014 | 19.49 | 1475.09 | |
25-Jun-2014 | 20.27 | 1495.36 | |
26-Jun-2014 | 17.54 | 1512.9 | |
27-Jun-2014 | 3.10 | 1516 | * Estimated |
28-Jun-2014 | 6.00 | 1522 | * Estimated |
29-Jun-2014 | 11.86 | 1533.86 | |
30-Jun-2014 | 16.40 | 1550.26 |